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Старый 10.09.2012   #1

Аватар для POCT

Регистрация: 16.02.2011
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По умолчанию [Delphi] Xtreme RAT Unicode 3.6

Xtreme RAT Unicode 3.6 Source Code Download

Достаточно известный RAT (средство удаленного администрирования).
Автор продает их за €350 EUR. [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]

Возможности и чейнжлог

Version 3.6

- Corrected a bug that close Webcam window when use Desktop Capture or Audio Capture
- Download plugin function from webserver was added
- Corrected select icon function in create servers
- Faster Desktop Capture function
- Added new method to grab firefox passwords (last version 13.0)
- Improved Chrome passwords function (last version 19.0.1084.56)
- Windows 8 compatibility
- Fixed Opera passwords (last version 11.64)
- Fixed Safari Passwords (last version 5.1)
- Many small improvements and bugfixes
- Only €40 for unlimited connections and free updates.
- FUD version, unlimited connections and free updates €100

Version 3.5

- Added option to Enable or Disable Skins
- Added option to change creation date of your servers (Select Hide Server)
- Added Firefox version 10 passwords
- Option to change groups fixed
- New skins added (download and extract it into skins folder)
- Option to select a notify image of each server
- Many small improvements and bugfixes
- Only €40 for unlimited connections and free updates.
- FUD version, unlimited connections and free updates €100

Version 3.4

- Added Password Recovery for Firefox 9.
- New authentication method for private users (able to use in one or more computers).
- Fixed some issues in trial version.
- Only €40 for unlimited connections and free updates.
- FUD version, unlimited connections and free updates €100

Version 3.3

- Added RAR and UNRAR / UNZIP in Filemanager.
- Added option to download all files from remote computer. If you want, you can use a filter and download only selected files.
- Added bypass Data Execution Prevention (DEP). Old versions had some problem and crash some times.
- Added a connections logs. You can open your client and select some date to see all connections.
- Added delay execution in create server
- Added 4 new startup methods
- You can download keylogger logs from all servers in main window.
- Server size only 20kb (Compressed)
- Corrected some little problems
- Trial version available.
- Only €40 for unlimited connections and free updates.
- FUD version, unlimited connections and free updates €100

Version 3.2

- Corrected webcam problems.
- Corrected error when close the control center window and the webcam, desktop capture or audio are opened.
- Added option to resize the desktop preview image.
- Copy and Paste functions was added in filemanager.
- Options to get a preview image of an selected window was added.
- Added password protection to your settings.
- Added new skins.
- Added a possibility to rename files when download files with same name.
- Added a CheckBox to update desktop preview images only of the selected servers. This will reduce network traffic.
- Corrected an error in mouselogger that don't save all clicks.
- Mouselogger corrected on client side.
- Added option to select windows always on top.
- Added notification when server disconnect.
- Was corrected the function that show all flags from servers.

Version 3.1

- Fixed StartUp problems.
- Fixed some connections problems.
- Injection functions changed (more compatible with crypters).
- Improved create server tool (Compressed = 19 Kb).
- Added send keys to selected window.
- Old servers are not fully compatible. Update your servers.

Available functions:
Client Options
- 3 default languages (English, Spanish and Portuguese)
- Change the interface (skins)
- 2 options to manage your servers (windows or control center)
- 3 options to have a desktop preview
- and more...

Server Options
- Uninstall
- Restart
- Update and more...

Extra options
- Passwords (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Chrome, MSN, and others)
- Open website
- Run commands
- Send files and run
- Download and run
- Proxy (http and http)
- and more...

File Manager
- List files (with information on each)
- Run files (Parameter, normal and hidden)
- Delete
- Move to Trash
- Download files (together, one by one and recursive)
- Download Folders
- Send files (directly or by FTP)
- Preview image
- Set wallpaper
- Search files on your computer
- and more...

Process Manager
- List active processes (with information on each)
- Kill or pause processes
- and more...

Window Manager
- List active windows (with information on each)
- Close, minimize, restore, change window title
- and more...

Services Manager
- List installed services (with information on each)
- Install
- Uninstall
- and more...

Registry Manager
- Works as Windows Regedit
- Delete keys
- Create keys
- Manage StartUp programs
- and more...

Clipboard Manager
- Manages the contents of the clipboard (text and files) of the computer (Ctrl + C)

Devices list
- Shows all devices available on the computer

Active ports
- List active connections (with information on each)
- Kill connections
- and more...

Command Prompt
- Works like DOS windows

- Restart, Shutdown and Log Off Windows
- Hide icons
- Open and close CD / DVD
- Pause mouse
- and more...

- Talk directly to another computer

- Change MSN status
- List contacts and emails active user

Скачать: [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]
Зеркало1: [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]
Зеркало2: [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]

Пароль: [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]
Видимо, с этого сайта и вылезли исходники - гугл так говорит.

зы: Пользуемся, пробуем, находим для себя что-то новое.
"Водка взяла верх над ним." © gerry

Мануал на тему: "Как получить пароль к криптору?" Обязательно к прочтению всем новичкам.

Программы и сервисы, помогающие получить пароль к крипторам.

Если кто-то решил пофлудить, предлагаю сначала ознакомиться с нашим банлистом. /banlist.php

Халявный сканер файлов на детект (35 антивирусов).

Онлайн проверка на вирусы бесплатно.

Последний раз редактировалось POCT; 07.02.2013 в 20:17. Причина: Убрал видео. Замучали.
POCT на форуме  
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Сказали спасибо:
Urber (07.02.2013), dzhoka (04.02.2013), Dark Koder (06.01.2013), MillenniuM (05.01.2013)

Старый 05.01.2013   #2

Windows WorkStation 4.0 (NT)
Аватар для MillenniuM

Регистрация: 17.01.2011
Сообщений: 185
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По умолчанию

спасибо , очень интересная штука именно им я не пользуюсь но вытащил из него нужные мне идеи . Clipboard Manager не работает . криптуется легко
Всю жизнь идти к цели можно только если она постоянно отодвигается
MillenniuM вне форума  
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Старый 23.06.2013   #3

Windows v.1.01

Регистрация: 10.08.2012
Сообщений: 12
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за это сообщение: 0
По умолчанию

Кто может выложить отвязаную версию 3.6? Если кто готов поделиться за спасибо или разумное денежное вознаграждение в ПМ.
ser777 вне форума  
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Старый 1 неделю назад   #4
Dark Koder

Windows v.3.51 (NT)

Регистрация: 24.11.2009
Адрес: [email protected]
Сообщений: 142
Поблагодарили всего: 70
за это сообщение: 0
ICQ 432871473
По умолчанию

Народ,помогите плиз исправить ошибки.
При компиляции этого продукта у меня выбивает 1 единственную ошибку

Скрытый текст

Checking project dependencies...
Building XtremeRAT.dproj (Release configuration)
[Exec Error] The command "taskkill.exe /f /im XtremeRAT.exe /t
"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\CompilarProjeto.exe"
del "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\InsertNode.dll"
copy /Y "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\portugu***234;s.ini" "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\lang.ini"
copy /Y "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\xupx.exe" "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\xupx.exe"
copy /Y "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\xrar.exe" "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\rar.exe"
copy /Y "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\small.exe" "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\small.exe"
"e:\program files\delphi_2010\Bin\dcc32.exe" -E"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources" -U"e:\program files\delphi_2010\Componentes\VST" -U"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Units" "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\InsertNode.dpr"
"%programfiles(x86)%\Borland\Delphi7\Bin\dcc32.exe" -E"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources" -U"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Units" -U"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Servidor\kol-mck" -U"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Servidor\DirectX" -U"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Servidor\Indy10\system" -U"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Servidor\Indy10\Core" -U"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Servidor\Indy10\protocols" -U"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Servidor\Indy10\SuperCore" -U"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Units\Zlib" -U"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Servidor\Passwords" "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Servidor\servidor.dpr"
"%programfiles(x86)%\Borland\Delphi7\Bin\dcc32.exe" -E"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources" -U"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Units" -U"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Stub\System" "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Stub\stub.dpr"
"%programfiles(x86)%\Borland\Delphi7\Bin\dcc32.exe" -E"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources" "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\CryptFile.dpr"
"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\xupx.exe" -9 -f "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\InsertNode.dll"
"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\xupx.exe" -9 -f "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\servidor.exe"
"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\CryptFile.exe" "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\servidor.exe"
"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\CryptFile.exe" "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\small.exe"
"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\CryptFile.exe" "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\stub.exe"
"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\CryptFile.exe" "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\InsertNode.dll"
"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\CryptFile.exe" "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\xupx.exe"
"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\CryptFile.exe" "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\rar.exe"
"E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\CryptFile.exe" "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\dllcrypt.dll"
"e:\program files\delphi_2010\Bin\brcc32.exe" "E:\Program Files\Delphi_2010\Projects_Delphi2010\XtremeRATUniSC\Resources\resources.rc"" exited with code 20018.
Elapsed time: 00:00:03.1

и все,баста.
Компоненты установил,права на запись в папку разрешил,версии делфи 7 и 2010 (как и надо). В чем трабла не пойму...
Magicus Technicus

"эй, баянист, прекращай " ©POCT
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