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Windows 95

Регистрация: 19.11.2010
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По умолчанию Live CD Hacking 2010

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User Name: cd
Password: password

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Reconnaissance (and DNS)

* Dig - DNS lookup utility
* DNSMap - DNS mapping is a mechanism which allows hosts on a private LAN to use DNS Services even if the address of an actual DNS Server is unknown.
* DNSTracer - Trace DNS queries to the source
* DNSWalk - Checks DNS zone information using nameserver lookups
* Netmask - Helps determine network masks
* Relay Scanner - This program is used to test SMTP servers for Relaying problems
* TCPTraceroute - Traceroute implementation using TCP packets
* Firewalk - Firewalk is a network auditing tool that attempts to determine what transport protocols a given gateway will pass.


* Amap - Performs fast and reliable application protocol detection, independent of the TCP/UDP port they are being bound to.
* Curl - Get a file from an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP server
* Fping - Sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
* Hping3 - Active Network Smashing Tool
* HTTprint - A web server fingerprinting tool
* Ike-Scan - IPsec VPN scanning, fingerprinting and testing tool
* MetoScan - HTTP method scanner
* Namp - The Network Mapper
* Netcat - TCP/IP swiss army knife
* P0f - Passive OS fingerprinting and masquerade detection utility
* Zenmap - The Network Mapper Front End

Password Cracking

* Chntpw - NT SAM password recovery utility
* Rainbowcrack – Crack LM, MD5 and SHA1 hashes
* THC PPTP Bruter - A brute forcing program against PPTP VPN endpoints (TCP port 1723)
* VNCrack – Crack VNC passwords
* John the ripper - A fast password cracker

Network Sniffing

* DHCP Dump – DHCP packet dumper
* Dsniff – Password sniffer
* SSLDump – Dump SSL traffic on a network
* Ntop – Displays top network users
* Wireshark – Interactively dump and analyze network traffic

Spoofing (or Masquerading)

* File2cable - Sends a file as a raw ethernet frame
* Netsed – Network packet streaming editor
* Sing – Send ICMP Nasty Garbage packets to network hosts
* TCPreplay – Replay network traffic stored in pcap files

Wireless Networking Utilities

* Aircrack-ng - Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured.
* Kismet – Wireless sniffing and monitoring
* THC Leap Cracker - The THC LEAP Cracker Tool suite contains tools to break the NTChallengeResponse encryption technique e.g. used by Cisco Wireless LEAP Authentication.
* WEPCrack - WEPCrack is an open source tool for breaking 802.11 WEP secret keys.
* WIDZ - Wireless Intrusion Detection System
* Cowpatty - Brute-force dictionary attack against WPA-PSK


* GDB – The GNU Debugger.
* Hexdump – ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal and octal dump tool.
* Hexedit – View and edit file in hexadecimal or in ASCII
* Wipe – Securely erase files
* Madedit -Text/Hex Editor
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